Today was a sad day for me and my family, one of our family friend recently past away, today was her funeral, it was a very beautiful ceremony and i bet she would have loved it most of all she would be very happy and honored that the Bishop and 200 more people actully came to her funeral, she was a very beloved woman, also a extra mother to my mom.
I remember when my mom got sick and she always came and took cared of my mom and our family.. she always ask us how we where doing and if we would need something, she always had something to give everytime she came by. Im very greateful that i leard to know her, she was a part of my family.. and now we are greafing. She left a big mark in every persons life that she ever met. Lord has welcomed you home now and i know that you will always be at our side to watch over us!
Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family, specially for my mom!
Yeah it’s never fun when your boss wakes you up and tells you “Pls come to work today” I was actully hesitated to say yes today buuut i accepted and went to work.
So you guys know i work for Fazer, it’s a chockolate company here in sweden but they do have a personnel pool and a lot of restaurants around stockholm and Gothenburg so i go around in the company to work where ever they need people.. and its a really good job.. i love it!! And also i have 4 other jobs.. i just have them as extra so i dont get bored and wanting to leave the place.. witch is good for me. I’m a certificate chef.. also 14 years of exerience working in the hotel and restaurant business, it’s just now im actully started working in the kitchen, other then that i was working as a waiter/bartender/team leader. My dad was a chef too.. well he is my stepdad but he is the only dad i have so i just call him dad. He is the one who got me in to liking food and all that.. well i do love to eat food (hehe).
Anyways today i made 30 casquel of lasanga.. i hate doing them cos its kind of a long process to do but i love eating them!! and also people love them.. thats one of our dish that dissepear in less then 5 min.. awsome!!
Cowberry is a funny name for a restaurant.. hahaha
Almost a month left and christmas will be knocking on our door steps, it’s amazing how fast time flys away and from nowhere it’s a new year, january month will be infront of you and new beginnings starts and you meet new people.
I use to love christmas.. but not so much anymore since my grandfather died that day. It took me almost 6 month to realize that he was gone and that i would never see him again.
My grandfather was the most respected and beloved person i knew, he was the only one who gave us (his grandchildrens) good and wise advice of what we should do everytime we had problems, he was also the rock that held the family together.. him and my grandmother.
I still remember the day my brother told me that he died, i was babysitting my sisters kid that night and i was talking to some friends on MSN when he suddendly chatted me up at 01.30 that he was dead.. i just sat there and look into the screen for a few minutes and then just broke down on the floor, somehow my sister came home found me crying on the couch. For days i really felt like i couldent breath and somehow someone whould tell me that it was just a dream. It has almost been 9 years since he past away but still he is alive in my heart and in every memorie i made with him. It’s really hard to forget someone who ment the world to you, the one you looked up to and also the one who would never ever abandon you!!
Oki sooo i totally erase my old blog and made a new one cos this will be in english and the other one was on swedish. I will most of all just blog about my daily life and some other topics.. if i could find one lol.
Well about me.. Im a open lesbian who lives in stockholm, all tho my roots are originally from asia and spain. I grew up here with my family witch is my mom and two brothers.. im the middle child. I work in the serivce business and i love it.
All tho im planning to go back to study and get my degree cos i really want to open my own someday and im getting tired to work for someone else.
Well thats about a bit i want to share with me right now.. and btw im sooo sorry about my crappy spelling!!

Have a Gay Day!!
Words hurts more then actions cos every word that you will ever hear will be stuck in your heart wether it's good or bad.